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Youth Education

Our advocates are experienced community educators and trainers, dedicated to providing youth with tools and knowledge to build safer, healthier communities. We offer a series of pre-built presentations and can develop custom training for schools, nonprofits, public, and private businesses on topics such as:

  • Sexual violence
  • Sexual harassment
  • Consent
  • Healthy relationships
  • Impacts of sexual violence on survivors
  • Responding to disclosures
  • Safe(r) online dating
  • Bystander intervention
  • Oppression and its relationship to sexual violence

REAL TALK is our series of interactive presentations for middle school, high school, and college students ages 12-22. These presentations are designed to empower young people with the knowledge and skills they need to engage in healthy relationships and create safer communities.

SV(C) 101

What is consent? A community-based effort to end sexual violence is impossible without a general understanding of sexual violence and consent. This interactive workshop provides participants with an introduction to sexual violence by establishing a clear and accessible definition of consent, discussing how sexual violence shows up in our communities, and introducing an age-appropriate understanding of trauma and common responses to trauma following sexual violence.

Responding to Disclosures

Often paired with SV(C) 101, this workshop provides participants with the information and tools they need to respond to disclosures of sexual violence, including connecting victim/survivors to appropriate services and empowering victim/survivors to heal in ways that make sense for them.

Healthy Relationships: Boundaries, Balance, & Mutual Respect

What makes a friendship or a dating relationship positive and worthwhile? During this interactive presentation, participants identify characteristics of healthy, unhealthy, and abusive relationships, and discuss ways to advocate for themselves and support peers who may be in an unsafe relationship.

The 5 D's: Strategies for Bystander Intervention

This hands-on training is perfect for anyone looking to better support clients, students, or patients. It’s been great for health mentors, college RAs, and others in similar roles. We cover important topics like consent, sexual violence, rape culture, trauma responses, and bystander intervention. Plus, you’ll get to practice what you’ve learned through interactive scenarios that match your role.

Tech Savvy & Safe in a Digital Age

How can young people enjoy the benefits of texting and social media in a fun and responsible way? Topics include online harassment, sexting, nonconsensual pornography (aka revenge porn), and basic tips for keeping online activity safe, positive, and respectful.

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