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CALL FOR PROPOSALS: Building Bridges Conference 2024

The Sexual Violence Center is seeking dynamic presenters for the Building Bridges Conference 2024, to be held on November 20, 2024, at Mystic Lake Casino Hotel in Prior Lake, Minnesota. We invite proposals for 75-minute workshops that align with our conference mission to connect professionals, share strategies, and collaborate to create a stronger, unified approach to survivor care.

Proposal Submission Deadline: 5:00 PM CST, Friday, October 3rd, 2024

Workshop Focus Areas

We are looking for workshops that focus on sexual assault advocacy and medical forensic nursing, with an emphasis on survivor-centered, trauma-informed, and culturally competent approaches. Proposals should present innovative strategies and best practices, with an expectation to include time for Q&A. We encourage creative formats that foster audience participation and discussion.

Target Audience

  • Advocates
  • Survivors
  • Law Enforcement
  • Healthcare Providers
  • Prosecutors and Attorneys
  • Sex Offender Treatment Providers
  • Campus Professionals
  • Individuals Participating in Multi-Disciplinary Teams

Potential Workshop Topics
While we welcome a wide range of topics within the conference mission, here are some examples to consider:

  • Pioneering Approaches and Practices
  • Creative Partnerships and Collaborative Models
  • Techniques for Navigating Challenges and Resistance
  • Approaches to Maintaining Long-Term Change
  • Fair and Inclusive Services and Responses
  • Strategies for Personal Wellness and Resilience
  • Evidence-Based Practices and Research-Driven Insights
  • Inspiring Case Studies and Real-World Examples

Submission Requirement
Please submit the following:

  • Title: A clear and compelling title for your workshop.
  • Abstract: A 200-word summary of your workshop’s content and goals.
  • Learning Objectives: 3-4 clear objectives that participants will achieve by attending your session.
  • Presenter Information: Contact details and a bio (300-word limit) for each presenter.
  • Headshot: A high-resolution photo of each presenter.
  • Finalized Presentation Slides: Presenters will be required to submit a finalized copy of their presentation slides by a deadline prior to the conference (specific date will be provided upon acceptance)

    Use this form to submit your proposal. 

    If you have any questions or issues with this form, reach out to [email protected].

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