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Recording: A Panel Discussion on the Intersection of Race and Sexual Violence

If you weren’t able to make it to our event on December 15th, don’t worry, it was recorded!

Catch up on the panel below.



Historically, sexual violence has disproportionately affected people of color. Beyond just rates of occurrence, the quality and availability of support resources vary significantly by race. This disparity has continued to exist through the perpetuation of stereotypes and institutional racism. How can we, as professionals, address this problem and do better for the communities of people who have been ignored for years? Panelists Tracy Wright, Kenosha Davenport, and Alla Hassan will be joined by Artika Roller as moderator for this discussion.

Tracy D. Wright is the Technical Assistance Provider and Communities of Color Leadership Project Coordinator with the North Carolina Coalition Against Sexual Assault (NCCASA) for the National Resource Sharing Project. Her current work provides technical assistance and training to 56 state and territorial sexual assault coalitions. In this capacity, Tracy works with national entities to create a coordinated response to ending sexual violence, addresses emerging issues and carves out initiatives specifically for communities of color in the anti-sexual violence movement. Ms. Wright holds a BA in Mass Communications from Shaw University and a Master’s of Science in Print Journalism from Florida Agricultural and Mechanical University. In her spare time, Tracy is a political handler for a Wake County Elected Official and project lead for the Young Advocates Institute, a service learning opportunity that houses and trains 200 youth, ages 13-17, over a weekend of prevention education and leadership development workshops.

Alla Hassan, an experienced sexual assault advocate, serves as Ramsey County’s SOS (Sexual Violence Services) Prevention Coordinator and Advocate for victim/survivors. With more than 10+ years in the field, she is deliberate and relentless on advocating for systematically marginalized communities. Through individualized advocacy, trauma informed leadership, and comprehensive resources, Alla has developed community spaces determined to prevent sexual violence and promote community well-being.

An Alabama native, Kenosha Davenport believes in a strong work ethic and is dedicated to serving others. Kenosha is the Executive Director of the Sexual Violence Center in Minneapolis, Minnesota. She is responsible for the overall agency direction, fundraising, fiscal oversight, programmatic oversight, and managing external relationships and collaboration. Throughout her career, Kenosha has served on many community and state level boards. Currently serving on the board of directors for Violence Free Minnesota and Minnesota Coalition Against Sexual Assault, where she serves as the Board President. In addition, Davenport serves as Board Treasurer for Northeast Minneapolis Arts Association.

Our moderator, Artika Roller is the Executive Director of Minnesota Coalition Against Sexual Assault. Ms. Roller has twenty years of direct service experience in the fields of domestic violence, sex trafficking, and sexual assault. Ms. Roller is known as an effective and talented presenter, motivator, and educator committed to advocating and dismantling systems barriers for victims and survivors.

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