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#MeetTheTeamTuesday: Kenosha Davenport

It’s time for another #MeetTheTeamTuesday. This week we’re highlighting our Executive Director, Kenosha Davenport.
How do you practice self care?
I lean on the support of my village. My village is a constant source of support, love, accountability, and courageous conversations. In addition, over the last year, I have rediscovered some of my childhood hobbies: tennis and roller skating. Please note, I am a work in progress.
What do you enjoy most about your role?
I love that as an Executive Director, I still get to advocate for victims/survivors of violence. Advocacy at the management level is often at the systems level, working to create policy changes, changes to the organizations programs and services to ensure that they meet the needs of those turning to us for service, and creating a culture of diversity, equity and inclusion in the workplace.
What is your favorite thing to do in the Twin Cities?
I have enjoyed visiting the lakes in the Twin Cities, big and small. It is my goal to fish/visit all the lakes in Minnesota.
📸 Bailey Sears Photography
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